The Infinite Spider Blog: Origin of a Name
How the Infinite Spider Blog Got Its Name
I’ve been asked by quite a few readers to explain why I chose the name “Infinite Spider” for my blog, and what the symbol means. So in this post, I have partnered with Anne Littlewolf to give you a bit of information about this symbol and the name of this blog.
As the Bard so rightly said, “That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet”. But roses and spiders seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum of human emotion. Roses make us fall in love, spiders send us into a screaming panic (OK, sometimes the two resemble each other) searching for shoes, rolled up paper, fly swatters and other such ammunition. It’s guaranteed to get you lots of adoration if you rescue your partner from the dreaded Arachnidus Superbadus. So why name this blog after a spider? And why do we have such loathing for spiders and their kinfolk? Yes, they are small and hairy, and they have far too many eyes and fangs… but really? Most are less than ¼” in size?