Quotes from Visitors to Programs Through The Years

Something to Make Visitors, Naturalists, and Interpreters Sigh and Laugh
Over the years, I've worked at several parks and outdoor education centers. In that time, I've always kept a quote wall for those classic moments that just have to be recorded for posterity. If you're an outdoor educator, or just a park visitor, hopefully you can relate. If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to e-mail me (coyoteowlwoman@yahoo.com) and I'll add them. Warning, some have slightly mature content.
When asked about her group of students, "Don't ask me, I'm the teacher. I don't know anything."
"Are those crackles and baffle-head ducks?", asked a visitor about some local birds, meaning grackles and bufflehead ducks.
Instructor: “Why do you think we use alcohol in hand sanitizer?” Student: “To get the germs drunk!”
"Can I return this [toy] turtle? It has lipstick on it and my son wants a boy."
"Hello, nature center.", Interpreter answers the phone. Caller, "Yes, I'm calling about getting my social security card." Interpreter replies, "This is a nature center." Caller says, "Are you sure?"
"Can you do something for this shark? He keeps getting washed up by the tide every time we put him back.", referring to the 3 foot long spiny dogfish (shark) which they walked from the beach, to the nature center, holding it by its tail with its head in a lunch cooler full of water.
Retired visitor standing with an interpreter while watching his group get coffee before a bird hike: "Look, a flock of gray-tufted-coffee-suckers!"
"We also have hog-nose snakes in the park. They have a stumpy nose, a triangular head, they puff up and hiss, and will eventually play dead if pushed." Visitor, "Sort of like a wife then, eh?" Interpreter switches subjects quickly.