Nature Books for Book Clubs or Winter Reading
Suggested Nature Books
I'm often asked for natural history themed reading selections or books that might be good for a science/nature book club. I know there are many different flavors of science and what people like to read, but I thought I'd offer a list of books that I've read or those that are good for conversations in nature-related book clubs. This list is largely populated by the "Natural Selections" reading list from the Cape Henlopen book group I belonged to for years. I miss those late night discussions, they were wonderful. So for those of you thinking of buying books for loved ones, starting a book club, looking to expand your library, or for some fun winter reading, here's a list.
Title |
Author's First Name |
Last Name |
Monkey Wrench Gang | Edward | Abbey |
Desert Solitaire | Edward | Abbey |
Biography of a Germ | Karlen | Arno |
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired By Nature | Janine M. | Benyus |
The Wisdom of Birds (An Illustrated History of Ornithology) | Tim | Birkhead |
The Swamp Walker's Journal: A Wetland's Year | David | Carroll |
Silent Spring | Rachel | Carson |
Silent World | Jacques | Cousteau |
The Origin of Species | Charles | Darwin |
Guns, Germs, and Steel | Jared | Diamond |
Plunder of Paradise | Michael | D'Orso |
Prairie Spring | Peter | Dunne |
The Man Who Walked Through Time | Colin | Fletcher |
Where We Stand | Seymour | Garte |
Monkey Dancing | Daniel | Glick |
Ants at Work | Deborah | Gordon |
An Inconvenient Truth | Al | Gore |
Bully For Brontosaurus: Reflections in Natural History | Steven J. | Gould |
The Flamingo's Sile | Steven J. | Gould |
Almost Paradise: New and Selected Poems & Translations | Sam | Hamill |
The Great House of Birds | John | Hay |
Environmental Politics | Samuel P. | Hays |
Open Ground: Selected Poems 1966-1996 | Seamus | Heany |
The Trees in My Forest | Bernard | Heinrich |
Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds | Bernd | Heinrich |
Winter World: The Ingenuity of Animal Survival | Bernd | Heinrich |
Moby Duck: The True Story of 28,000 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers, Oceanographers, Environmentalists, and Fool, Including the Author, Who Went In Search of Them. | Donovan | Hohn |
Lily Pond: Four Years with a Family of Beavers | Ryden | Hope |
Waiting for Aphrodite | Sue | Hubbel |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | Zora Neale | Hurston |
Redwall | Brian | Jacques |
Along the Edge of Amer | Peter | Jenkins |
Shopping for Porcupine | Seth | Kanter |
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants | Robin Wall | Kimmerer |
Small wonder | Barbara | Kingsolver |
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara | Kingsolver |
Banana: The Fate of the Fruit that Changed the World | Daniel | Koeppel |
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Children From Nature Deficit Disorder | Richard | Louve |
The Snow Leopard | Peter | Matthiessen |
Narrative-Medicine | Lewes | Mel-Madrona |
The Secret Life of Bee | Sue | Monk Kidd |
Listening to Whales: What Orcas Have Taught Us | Alexandra | Morton |
Never Cry Wolf: Amazing True Story of Life Among Arctic Wolves | Farley | Mowat |
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer | Siddhartha | Mukherjee |
Black Elk Speaks | John J. | Neihardt |
The Big Year | Mark | Obamascik |
American Primitive: Poems by Mary Oliver | Mary | Oliver |
Dog Songs | Mary | Oliver |
Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes | Svanta | Paabo |
Rebel with a Conscience | Russell | Peterson |
Singing School | Robert | Pinsky |
Omnivores Dilemma | Michael | Pollan |
Coming of Age with Elephants | Joyce | Poole |
Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime | Ellen | Prager |
The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring | Richard | Preston |
Chasing Monarchs | Robtert | Pyle |
The Flight of the Iguana: A sidelong View of Science and Nature | David | Quammen |
The Tapir's Morning Bath | Elizabeth | Royte |
Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It | Dick | Royte |
Virus X | Frank | Ryan |
Oaxaca Journal | Oliver | Sachs |
Songs for the Blue Ocean | Carl | Safina |
Crabs Wars: A Tale of Horseshoe Crabs, Bioterrorism, and Human Health | William | Sargent |
Between the Ocean and the Bay: A Natural History of Delmarva | Jane | Scott |
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks | Rebecca | Skloot |
Squirrels at My Window: Life with a Remarkable Gang of Urban Squirrels | Grace Marmor | Spruch |
Wicket Plants: The Weed the Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities | Amy | Stewart |
The Drunken Botanist | Amy | Stewart |
Where the Wild Things Were | William | Stolzenburg |
Rat Island: Predators In Paradise and the World's Greatest Wildlife Rescue | William | Stolzenburg |
Seven Arrows | Hemeyohsts | Storm |
Journey Into Summer | E.W. | Teale |
Autumn Across America | Edward | Teale |
North with the Spring | Edwin Way | Teale |
Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay | WM | Warner |
The Hedgehog's Dilemma | Hugh | Warwick |
Beak of the Finch | Jonathan | Weiner |
Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England | Tom | Wessels |
Leaves of Grass | Walt | Whitman |
The Naturalist | E.O. | Wilson |
Anthill: A Novel | E.O. | Wilson |
Letters From Eden: A Year at Home, in the Woods | Julie | Zickefoose |