Rose Mosco Captures Nature Humor and Art in Her Drawings
Educational Humor and Art for Nature Lovers
If you're like me you may find that your sense of humor is somewhat esoteric and "nature-nerdy." I can't help it, I find nature funny, from the giant eye spots of butterflies to the funky way that male turkeys strut and puff and their snoods get bright red (what's not to love about a body part called a snood?). I truly enjoy intelligent nature based humor, and how better to present it than in art and drawings? The artist and naturalist Rosemary Mosco has combined just these features to create wonderful nature cartoons. Her website is called "Bird and Moon, Science and Nature Cartoons."

Rosemary is certified naturalist with an M.S. from the University of Vermont Field Naturalist Program. She has worked as a science communications liaison with the National Park Service and Mass Audubon, and she has the naturalist's interest and credentials to bring real science to her drawings.
On her home page you can see a wide range of her cartoons, from turtles and turkeys to lizards and butterflies. As an outdoor educator I find their simplicity, but real-life nature facts, useful as a teaching tool. Check out this comic about learning bird sounds using mnemonics:

Some of the comics are quite funny, such as the "Newt Date":

You can learn more about Rosmary's work on her personal website or by visiting her Bird and Moon science and nature cartoon website, it will brighten your day. For those that teach outdoor education, or if you're looking for a unique gift, check out her nature store. You can buy prints, posters, and gift cards. The bird mnemonic poster is a great teaching tool and where else can you find a vulture comic print?